Multiple Data Centers

Ensure the best website loading speeds for your web site visitors

The data center location has a direct influence on your web site’s load speed, that’s why, by picking out a data center facility that is close to your potential clients, you will ensure the smoothest web experience for them. We offer you a choice of data center facilities on 3 continents – Steadfast in Chicago, USA; Pulsant in Maidenhead, UK, Ficolo in Pori, Finland, Telepoint in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. Each of them offers a steady and riskless website hosting environment with a 24–7 server monitoring service and a 99.9% server uptime warranty.

Multiple Data Centers

Web Accelerators

Quite a few software tools to boost your sites’ loading speed

In the Web Hosting Control Panel you can find a set of Site Accelerator Instruments aimed at speeding up your dynamic, database–driven web sites. By caching content, these software tools significantly decrease the number of times a database is requested and thus lower the server load. This helps all your websites open faster and will decrease the bounce rates. You will be able to choose from among several web accelerator tools – Node.js, Varnish and Memcached.

Web Accelerators

Scripting Support

Perl. PHP. Python. PostgreSQL. MySQL

Set up a PHP–driven web site. Write a Python app. Make use of the power of more than nine thousand Perl modules. Store your data in MySQL or even PgSQL databases. Create InnoDB tables. Set up external MySQL database connections. You can do all that and even more if using any of the website hosting packages that we’re offering. There won’t be any extra taxes – everything is included in your cloud hosting plan by default.

Scripting Support

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9 percent server uptime is guaranteed

At Maxelerator Ltd, we provide a ninety–nine point nine percent network uptime guarantee. This means that, come hell or high water, your site will be up and running and people will be able to visit it. All this is possible due to the custom website hosting platform that we’ve developed. It is based on a heavily tweaked version of SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux) in order to ensure maximum uptime for all cloud hosting customers.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee


A safe and secure web application firewall

Secure all your web applications (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etc.) against hack assaults thanks to ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a firewall meant to defend web applications against hack assaults. We’ve configured the firewall in such a way as to ward off all typical website assaults momentarily. By default, ModSecurity is enabled for all domain names, but you may disable it for any site you would like.


Solid–State Drives

Solid–state–drive–powered cloud web hosting servers

All our website hosting servers are fitted out with solid–state disks rather than regular hard disks. Solid–state disks offer faster read/write speeds, which means that your web site will open much faster. No extra website modifications are needed.

As a result of the perfect web connectivity options provided by all our cloud hosting Data Center Facilities, your web site will begin to open considerably faster the minute you host it with us.

Solid–State Drives

Domain Manager

Multi–domain name management done properly

With the Maxelerator Ltd Web Hosting Control Panel, you’re no longer limited to have just one domain. You can manage one or one hundred domain names in an indentical easy and simple user–friendly manner. We have also included a few other handy tools, which will permit you to park, forward & WHOIS–protect your domain names as well as to add custom DNS entries. Having all these domain administration options in one location will save you a lot of time and effort.

Domain Manager

True Cloud Platform

We have made use of the newest cloud server technology when constructing our own hosting platform, which is insusceptible to incidental performance disturbances and downtimes. All the services associated with your website like DNSs, e–mail messages, databases, web applications, etcetera are dealt with by separate machines so that even if there is an excessive load issue, your site will still be working hassle–free.

True Cloud Platform

  • Service guarantees

  • Sign up today. There won’t be any installation service fees and you can take advantage of our 30–day money–back guarantee if you’re not 100% content with our service.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a glance at the allocations and features provided by every one of our website hosting plans. You could begin with a smaller package and upgrade with only a click of the mouse when your web presence gets bigger.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • We are available for you in business hours to answer any sort of queries with regards to Maxelerator Ltd’s cloud website hosting platform.